Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back Up: What Should I Back Up?

Everything that can not be replaced needs to be backed up. This would include:

  1. The operating system if you do not have the original installation disks for the operating system.

    Computers with preinstalled operating systems may not have the original operating system installation files supplied with the computer. When purchasing a new computer, as for these. If computer supplier won’t give them to you, find another store or contact the operating system original supplier and ask for a copy.

  2. All the software that is installed on the system, especially if you do not have the original installation disks.

    Like the operating system, a new computer with software installed may not come with disks to reinstall the software.

  3. Your computer settings.

    All the customized settings you have set up should be backed up. If you can’t, no big deal, you’ll just have to redo them.

  4. Your email.

    Back up your email accounts, rules/filters, folders and messages.

    Backing up your email accounts, rules, folders and messages it very important, especially if you are running a business. Making a computer back up of your email items will also be a time saver if you have to restore the email program.

  5. Your data.

    Your data includes any letters, graphics, music, databases or other projects you have created on the computer.

    Each program you use will store your data somewhere on the computer but not necessarily in My Documents. When you install a program (or reinstall a program) try to have all the documents saved in one spot (e.g. My Documents). This will make performing a computer back up much easier.

    Note: Some programs will not like having it’s default storage location changed. You will have to experiment to find out which do not like the storage location changed.